Tuesday, March 10, 2015

MY quote of the day

Tired almost everyday. But I have reasons to keep moving forward and stay awake.
School is easy but why is it killing me...And if school is easy why do I fail to get straight A's.
Is it lack of management of the classes? Is it procrastination? Is it because of im lazy? Is it the lack of motivation? Is it lack of time and commitment to study?  No matter the reasons...The important part is not giving up. Because in the end, it will all be worth it.

-Arnold Sung


  1. Going through the same thing .. hang in there .-.

  2. Yeah, don't give up, high school will be over before you know it, so just try to stay motivated and do your best, it will pay off in the end.

  3. your body just gets tired of the same routine every day but at the end of the day it is all worth it you just have to hang in there

  4. That quote is pretty Inspirational! It really makes you think and wonder why is it so hard for me to do good in school? I tend to think about that all the time i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels that way :)

  5. It always gets harder at the end because everything begins to pile up and we get lazy because of the same thing everyday. But we are almost done we just need about 2 months and a half. We must try our best keep trying never give up because it is worth it at the end. So good luck everyone we can do this!!!

  6. You just have to do all you work and study. And your right all this work will be worth it afterwards.

  7. I feel you, I am always tired and lazy. Just keep going it is worth it at the end. I'm finally at my last year of high school and cant wait to be done.


    Don't worry. We al =l go down hill in school and it probably is all of the above. Don't procrastinate and just keep pushing forward. In the end it is worth it so don't get tired now just keep pushing forward. \
    Make sure you do have an outlet to let your stress go and remember tomorrows a new day.

  9. You are a smart and energetic person... keep thinking the way you do and it will lead you to a world of success... and if today you fail at something its so that tomorrow you can succeed at it.

  10. I know exactly how you feel, I'm so tired of school. Just hang in there school will be over before you know it.

  11. we almost all feel you on how you feel everyday when we come to school. I hope you feel better good luck brah!!

  12. Yeah it is the routine we have everyday that some of us just want this to end but we have to keep trying because with good grades ,some day you will have the job you like, your own car and house and everything you have want to make yourself happy.

  13. remember, u like turtles
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    u like turtles u like turtles
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    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles
    u like turtles

  14. It's ok ... Think positively, and if it's really all too much find a way to release stress or try taking naps and try to just relax or something you find relaxing

  15. Your right. After all this is over it will all be worth it.

  16. Yes indeed. I thank all of you. We all struggle. But we keep on moving forward for the benefit and happiness.

  17. School feels like it gets harder towards the .. and I just want to tell you to keep moving forward.You will see that all of this will be worth it in the end.
